house for sale in lahore

PKR 8,500,000.00

  • 5 Marla
  • 3 Bed
  • 2 Bathroom
  • 1 Kitchen
  • City: Lahore
  • Location: Lahore
  • Property Type: Residential
  • Area: 5 Marla
  • Price: 8,500,000 /-
  • Rooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • Water Connection
  • Gas Connection
  • Electricity Connection
  • Waste Disposal

Are you in search of a House in Eden Lane Villas 1 in Lahore that's priced reasonably? If yes, you have landing on the right page. This property will prove to be the best investment opportunity for you. The perfect 5 Marla House is available for sale now. A property valued at PKR ,500,000 is the best offer you can find, so take action before it is too late. In Eden Lane Villas 1, you can find your dream property like this at the click of a button. A thriving lifestyle awaits you in Lahore's upcoming neighbourhoods. Some of the salient features of this property are described here. Hidden from view, you'll love the drawing room of this House to decorate as you want for your guests. A separate and spacious dining room gives this property a potential for increased value in the future. You no longer need to worry about staying connected as this property comes with high-speed broadband internet access. If you are a large family, the spacious sitting area in this House is perfect for you. You can have all your doubts cleared by giving us a call.

Malik Shehroz



Not Available